Immersion testing, is performed to determine the effectiveness of the seal of component parts. The immersion of the part under evaluation into liquid at widely different temperatures subjects it to thermal and mechanical stresses which will readily detect a defective terminal assembly, or a partially closed seam or molded enclosure. Defects of these types can result from faulty construction or from mechanical damage such as might be produced during physical or environmental tests.
The water immersion test is generally performed immediately following such tests because it will tend to aggravate any incipient defects in seals, seams, and bushings which might otherwise escape notice. This immersion test is essentially a laboratory test condition, and the procedure is intended only as a measurement of the effectiveness of the seal following this test. The choice of fresh or salt water as a test liquid is dependent on the nature of the component part under test.
When electrical measurements are made after water immersion test cycling to obtain evidence of leakage through seals, the use of a salt solution instead of fresh water will facilitate detection of moisture penetration. This test provides a simple and ready means of detection of the migration of liquids.
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- Spark Lab - Shenzhen
- Mr. Zhang
- 13902479643